Các sản phẩm được gắn thẻ 'Cảm biến sợi quang'

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AUT.VN Cảm biến sợi quang Autonics BF4G-E

AUT.VN Cảm biến sợi quang Autonics BF4G-E
Type : External synchronization input type
Light source : Green LED(525nm)
Response time : Frequency 1: Max. 0.5ms, Frequency 2: Max. 0.7ms
Power supply : 12-24VDC @(=) ±10%(ripple P-P: max. 10%)
Operation mode : Light ON/Dark ON(set by ON/OFF button)
Control output : NPN open collector

Mua Ngay : Zalo

996.290 ₫ 817.850 ₫

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Autonics BF4G

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Autonics BF4G

Type : Standard type
Light source : Green LED(525nm)
Response time : Frequency 1: Max. 0.5ms, Frequency 2: Max. 0.7ms
Power supply : 12-24VDC @(=) ±10%(ripple P-P: max. 10%)
Operation mode : Light ON/Dark ON(set by ON/OFF button)
Control output : NPN open collector

Mua Ngay : Zalo

940.792 ₫ 864.545 ₫

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Autonics BF3RX-P

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Autonics BF3RX-P

Type : Built-in twin volume type
Light source : Red LED(660nm)
Response time : Max. 1ms
Power supply : 12-24VDC @(=) ±10%(ripple P-P: max. 10%)
Operation mode : Light ON/Dark ON(set by control wire)
Control output : PNP open collector

Mua Ngay : Zalo

662.312 ₫ 630.555 ₫

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Autonics BF3RX

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Autonics BF3RX

Type : Built-in twin volume type
Light source : Red LED(660nm)
Response time : Max. 1ms
Power supply : 12-24VDC @(=) ±10%(ripple P-P: max. 10%)
Operation mode : Light ON/Dark ON(set by control wire)
Control output : NPN open collector

Mua Ngay : Zalo

662.312 ₫ 630.555 ₫

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Omron EE-SPY802 2M

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Omron EE-SPY802 2M
Wafer-carrier Mounting Photomicrosensor
Reflective type
Sensing distance: 0 to 3 mm
Pre-wired model
2 m

Mua Ngay : Zalo

1.000 ₫ 100 ₫

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Omron EE-SPY801 2M

aut.vn Cảm biến sợi quang Omron EE-SPY801 2M
Wafer-carrier Mounting Photomicrosensor
Reflective type
Sensing distance: 0 to 3 mm
Pre-wired model
2 m

Mua Ngay : Zalo

1.000 ₫ 100 ₫