Camera Xử lý Ảnh Autonics VG-C04W-8E Camera Xử lý Ảnh Autonics VG-C04W-8E

Min. sensing distance : 50mm
Power supply : 24VDC @(=) ±10%
Current consumption : 1A
Inspection_Inspection item : Alignment, brightness, contrast, area, edge, shape comparison, length, angle, diameter, object counting, color identification, area of color, object of color counting
Inspection_Work group : 32
Protection structure : IP67(IEC standard)

Mua Ngay : Zalo

nhà chế tạo: Autonics
khả dụng: Hết hàng
Ngày giao hàng: 1-3 days
Giá cũ: 33.779.862 ₫
32.112.795 ₫
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Thông tin chi tiết về sản phẩm: Camera Xử lý Ảnh Autonics VG-C04W-8E
Min. sensing distance : 50mm
Power supply : 24VDC @(=) ±10%
Current consumption : 1A
Inspection_Inspection item : Alignment, brightness, contrast, area, edge, shape comparison, length, angle, diameter, object counting, color identification, area of color, object of color counting
Inspection_Work group : 32
Inspection_Simultaneous inspection : 64
Inspection_Camera frame per second : Max. 60fps
Image snap_Image filter : Preprocessing, external filter(color filter, polarizing filter)
Image snap_Image element : 1/3 inch color CMOS
Image snap_Resolution : 752×480 pixel
Image snap_Camera frame per second : Max. 60fps
Image snap_Shutter : Global shutter
Image snap_Exposure time : 20 to 10,000㎲
Light_ON/OFF method : Pulse
Light_Color : White
Trigger mode : External trigger, internal trigger, free-run trigger
Input_Signal : Rated input 24VDC @(=) (±10%)
Input_Type : External trigger input(TRIG), encoder input(IN2, IN3), work group change(IN0 to IN3)
Output_Signal : NPN or PNP open collector output
Max. 24VDC @(=) 50mA, residual voltage: max. 1.2VDC @(=)
Output_Type : Control output(OUT0 to OUT3): inspection completion, inspection result, external light trigger, alarm, camera busy
Output_FTP transmission : Possible
Protection circuit : Output short over current protection circuit
Indicator : ᆞPower indicator(POWER), Ethernet connection indicator(LINK), pass indicator(PASS): Green LED
ᆞData transmission indicator(DATA): Orange LED
ᆞFailure indicator(FAIL): Red LED
Insulation resistance : Over 20MΩ (at 500VDC megger)
Dielectric strength : 500VAC~ 50/60Hz for 1 min.
Vibration : 1.5mm amplitude at frequency of 10 to 55Hzin each X, Y, Z direction for 2 hours
Shock : 300m/s² (approx. 30G) in each X, Y, Z direction for 3 times
Environment_Ambient temperature : 0 to 45℃, storage: -20 to 70℃
Environment_Ambient humidity : 35 to 85% RH, storage: 35 to 85% RH
Protection structure : IP67(IEC standard)
Material : Case: aluminium, lens cover/focus adjuster: polycarbonate, cable: polyurethane
Accessories : Assembly tool, bracket A, mounting screw: 2
Sold separately : Light, color filter, polarizing filter, power I/O cable, Ethernet cable, bracket B, protection cover
Weight : Approx. 415g(approx. 273g)
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