Các sản phẩm được gắn thẻ 'Cảm biến áp suất'

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AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0910

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0910
Measured materials : Liquid, gas, oil (except corrosive environment of stainless steel type 316)
Power supply : 9-45VDC @(=)
Display method : PV display part: 7-segment 5-digit, Parameter display part: 16-segment 8-digit, Bar LED: 52
Display range : -

Mua Ngay : Zalo

12.689.130 ₫ 10.416.450 ₫

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0900

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0900
Measured materials : Liquid, gas, oil (except corrosive environment of stainless steel type 316)
Power supply : 9-45VDC @(=)
Display method : PV display part: 7-segment 5-digit, Parameter display part: 16-segment 8-digit, Bar LED: 52
Display range : -

Mua Ngay : Zalo

11.960.170 ₫ 9.818.050 ₫

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0810

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0810
Measured materials : Liquid, gas, oil (except corrosive environment of stainless steel type 316)
Power supply : 9-45VDC @(=)
Display method : PV display part: 7-segment 5-digit, Parameter display part: 16-segment 8-digit, Bar LED: 52
Display range : -

Mua Ngay : Zalo

12.689.130 ₫ 10.416.450 ₫

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0800

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0800
Measured materials : Liquid, gas, oil (except corrosive environment of stainless steel type 316)
Power supply : 9-45VDC @(=)
Display method : PV display part: 7-segment 5-digit, Parameter display part: 16-segment 8-digit, Bar LED: 52
Display range : -

Mua Ngay : Zalo

11.960.170 ₫ 9.818.050 ₫

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0710

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0710
Measured materials : Liquid, gas, oil (except corrosive environment of stainless steel type 316)
Power supply : 9-45VDC @(=)
Display method : PV display part: 7-segment 5-digit, Parameter display part: 16-segment 8-digit, Bar LED: 52
Display range : -

Mua Ngay : Zalo

12.689.130 ₫ 10.416.450 ₫

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0700

AUT.VN Cảm biến áp suất Autonics KT-302HS-0700
Measured materials : Liquid, gas, oil (except corrosive environment of stainless steel type 316)
Power supply : 9-45VDC @(=)
Display method : PV display part: 7-segment 5-digit, Parameter display part: 16-segment 8-digit, Bar LED: 52
Display range : -

Mua Ngay : Zalo

11.960.170 ₫ 9.818.050 ₫